Lebanon Java Users Group

Lebanon Java User group

proposed LJUG Logo
Leaded by the Open Source Lebanese Movement and the computer science department at Cnam Liban
If you like producing Open Source with Java while having fun, join our groups and let us have more Fun.
If you wich to develop an open source software based on Java technologies in Lebanon, and wich to have help, trainning or support you can create a project on java.net and and ask to be sub-project of the LJUG.

The LJUG Lebanse Java User Group at Cnam Liban

The LJUG is an online (Virtual) user group dedicated for educating and promoting doing products in the open source ways by using java technology. the primary sites of LJUG will be this one on java.net java.net ljug project. There is a related blog site that you can follow at The LJUG blog
This group will have also a physical location to meet the leads and where presential training or some startegic meeting will be held.

Location of presential metting and seminars

presidential dating for strategic planning will be held at Open Source Lebanese Movement offices, here is the KML coordinates Training and plenary meeting will be held at Cnam Liban beirut) here is the KML coordinates
Link to google KML for Fares users groups MAPS

Références for online collobaration and exchange

Java.net online tools for collaboration for ljug project

Local tools, found on the left Issue trakingGit repositories for your codes, http://java.net/projects/ljug/pages/Home wiki] and forums (FAQ is public, for members only ljug menbers)

External online tools for sharing and annoucement

A blog for the community (blogger) http://ljug.cofares.net/ you can ask to become writer just send a request to the lead of ljug pfares@cofares.net
A github organization for hosting more open qnd free java softwares LJUG at github

Public diary next event

We have a pubic google agenda you can freely view it for all old, present and future events View ljug calendar

Historical backgound

The OSLM and early adoption (since 1996) of java technology in official curiculla at Cnam Liban and the students needs were key drivers for initiating the LJUG project

Initial goals

The Lebanese Java User Group for Cnam Liban has at least two primary goals:
  1. To collect and publish a set of projects and tools developed by students and teachers for training purpose, visit the materials by student page
  2. The shared repository between the teams of the Educational ERP of Cnam Liban, visit the Cnam Liban Educational ERP Information system
and many secondary goals, aomong others :
  • Open Source way of producing software
  • Collaborative work
  • Agile development
  • be a reference in hava development in Lebanon
  • other to come as will be decided in our next strategic meeting

Main technologies and tools used

  1. Pure old java object programming sub group
  2. Java Card and mobile java sub group
  3. J2EE (Linux/Tomcat/Mysql/Jsp) LTMJ
  4. PAAS : Appengine of google, appstore, jsp
  5. Cloud
  6. Big Data
  7. Netbeans
  8. Jdeveloper
  9. Android
  10. Eclipse for andoid developpements

Who can paticipates and how

After creating a java.net account:
  • Any of the 800 students of the computer science department of Cnam Liban can become developper
  • For all other volunteer you must send an email to the project leader and explain your motivations


For any informations you can join the project leader directly by email mailto:pfares@cofares.net

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