mardi 4 décembre 2018

The Maven artifact for LJUG

You can find Maven archetype, pom parent and artifacts at Maven central

The gourpID of the LJUG is net.cofares.ljug

Here is the state of deployment today

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An archetype for ISSAE Cnam Liban students for POJO projects. Pre-requisite 1- Must define gpg key for signing jar gpg --gen-key 2- You could olso publish your key gpg- keyserver ___ --send-key ____
Last Release on Nov 29, 2018

A parent pom for ljug projets that allow deploy to maven central using parent pom forDeployCentral staging deploy to sonatype ossrh just use profile ossrh
Last Release on Nov 29, 2018

The maven quickstart archetype adapted for the error with surfire
Last Release on Nov 25, 2018

Liste cicruclaire de taille fixe pour producteur/comsomateur - un prototype : version avec création de tableaux générique. CETTE VERSION (avec le -proto) NE GÈRE PAS LA CONCURENCE
Last Release on Nov 25, 2018

Utilitaire générique pour la gestion de requete et l'affichage de résulat avec JDBC. Do not use this version is just for testing deployemtn to central maven (and for my studnets at Cnam Liban) next versions will be best tested and completed
Last Release on Nov 26, 2018